Tlhopang Botshelo

Encouragement and Devotionals

Verses on Ascension Day

Ascension Day is recognised in some Christian countries, but only observed as a holiday in a few countries. Botswana is blessed to be one such country. In any given year, it occurs on the fortieth day after Resurrection (Easter) Sunday. It commemorates the days after Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to all during […]

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Useful verses on Money

One may find that usually, they have much to be thankful for; a well paying job, and all needs met on time. Still, sometimes it gets so hard; school fees are due/ medical bills are piling up/ wedding plans spiral out of control and end up costing more than expected/ insert other cash flow problem….

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Wait upon the Lord

Waiting for something you want desperately is rarely easy. We live in a world that often provides instant benefits. We get used to not having to wait; sometimes we are even told that we don’t need to wait for things that the Bible tells us to. Whether it’s things like work, relationships, school, health, etc,

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Train up a Child

By Guest Writer This title is taken from one of my favourite Proverbs, “Train up a Child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6 NKJ). Meditating on it one day, led me to look up the verb “train” and the World Book Dictionary

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