Tlhopang Botshelo

Collection on the tongue

Ananias and Sapphira

Today we want to consider two Biblical characters whose lying had very grave implications for them, namely Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5:1-11 relates the account of a couple who sold a piece of land they owned and brought only part of the proceeds to the apostles. If we look at the chapter before, Chapter 4:32-37, we note that the believers were one in their desire to share all things, to the extent that none lacked.

Those who sold land or houses would bring the proceeds to the disciples, and in particular, the previous chapter ends on a note that a certain Joses/ Barnabas, sold his land and brought the proceeds to the apostles. The couple, similarly, sold their land, but decided to lie and say that they sold it for less than was actually the case. However, Peter questioned why they lied to Holy Spirit, as they did not have to sell the land, or even bring the proceeds to the apostles.

In lying that they had brought all, they had actually lied, not to men, but to God. Hearing that, Ananias fell down and died. His wife later came, not knowing what had happened, and was given a chance to set the record straight. However, the planned deception backfired as she repeated what was agreed upon and met with her death too.

It’s not obvious from the passage whether full disclosure on the proceeds being a partial amount would be acceptable, given that other believers were sharing all, because this is not the focus. Comparably, Joses/Barnabas in particular, gives all, and this is followed by Ananias and Sapphira who lied and did not give their all. From the passage, it comes across that the couple allowed Satan to fill their heart and in the moment of decision, chose to be seen in a good light without the same level of sacrifice, and not necessarily that the couple was lost from the start, not understanding the omniscience of the God they thought they were following.

The passage reflects that while it may seem as if lying has its benefits, it’s important to consider the consequences. In noting the negative, we are also drawn to consider the peace we enjoy when by His Grace we refrain from it. Hebrews 10:14 is a wonderful reminder that Jesus, by one offering perfected forever, those who are being sanctified (NKJV).

Said another way, “For by that one offering He forever made perfect those who are being made holy” (NLT). This verse reflects most importantly, that Jesus has already done everything, while also comforting us that we experience what He’s done as a process (in other words, less and less lying), as we stay focused on Him.

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Collection on the tongue

Ananias and Sapphira Today we want to consider two Biblical characters whose lying had very grave implications for them, namely Ananias and Sapphira. Acts 5:1-11 relates the account of a couple who sold a piece of land they owned and brought only part of the proceeds to the apostles. If we look at the chapter

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