The book, Keys to Divine Health, was written by David O. Oyedepo. In this summary of Chapter 4, God’s Master Key to Divine Health, the author shares with us that, it is important for us to live in the consciousness of the truth, knowing that Jesus has already taken away our sicknesses. He states that God has established his covenant with us through the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm 89:34/Galatians 3:13-14). He came to make us a partaker of this great covenant of divine health.
The author shares that it only takes doing what God is saying for us to stay in divine health, in other words, applying the knowledge of the truth which we possess (Isaiah 33:6\John 8:32). All things that make for life and godliness have been made available to us in 2 Peter 1:2-3. However, the author explains that they will not be released without knowledge. God has not called us to shame and reproach but He has called us unto glory and virtue.
According to the author no one will enjoy the divine nature of God, until he or she has come into a full knowledge of it, and when it is rightly applied scripturally. Divine health is a covenant which has two sides to it. God can never deny Himself, when we fulfil our own part, His own part will also be fulfilled automatically.
The Bible says, “unto us that believe it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom” (Matt 13:11). The author explains that it is good for us to know that the mystery of divine health is ours by the right of covenant relationship. Further, that it is our knowledge of the word that will produce our Christ likeness in any area of our life (Psalm 103:2-5).
Jesus came to change the whole man spirit, soul and body. The author shares that Jesus wants every part of us to reflect His glory, and that His mission does not stop at sin only. Rather, He came that we might have a more abundant life, including in the area of divine health.
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David O. Oyedepo ISBN 978-2480-28-2