The book, 16 Mistakes Singles Make, was written by Wilbert R. Mutoko. In this summary of Chapter 2, Unclear Purpose of Relationship, the author shares with us that an unclear or no purpose for a relationship or assumption of intentions, always results in conflicts, misunderstandings, break up or divorce.
The author explains that a relationship must have a journey purpose, which is the reason why you are entering that relationship or marriage. The author asks us to imagine a young man of twenty years getting into a relationship with a rich, elderly woman of fifty-four years, or vice versa; he poses the question, what are their intentions? Individually, they may enter with their different intentions, for instance, the older party may think that the young fellow wants to settle down, while the young fellow might actually be looking for a rich sugar mummy to supply money or buy goodies and so forth. Therefore, one must define their intentions for a relationship.
Further, the author shares that it is wise to know your personal goals of life before getting into a relationship, this may help both parties if their intentions are to be life-partners. By way of example, there is need to discuss the leading of the family, which church to attend, plans of when to have children, and so on. If not, he says that you may be shocked how your life turns out; nothing is to be taken for granted.
The author again advises that if both parties walk into a relationship or marriage, without an agreed clear picture, it can be disastrous. He advises never to take chances as you live life once and you need to maximise it. He ends by encouraging singles to trust their partner but verify intentions and actions.
For more information on the book:
Wilbert R. Mutoko
ISBN 978-99968-0-249-2
Chief Cornerstone Holdings (Pty) Ltd
P.O BOX AD 7 AAF Gaborone, Botswana
Facebook, Linkedln, Skype & Twitter: wilbertmutoko